
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017


2002 E Camelback Rd Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85016, EE. UU. 3700 N 3rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85013, EE. UU.




  What I have learned about the call center industry and what my performance has been during the course Before I started taking the call center course I knew nothing concrete about all the activities that are involved in this industry.  I had no idea of what an argent’s job really was, I neither was aware of the training​ process that​ someone must have and approve before hitting the floor and getting hired in ​ a call center. Besides all the things I have previously mentioned I have also learned a lot​ of terms related to this field. I believe that this new knowledge I just acquired can help me if one day I have the chance to teach a course of this topic. Something that has really called my attention is the organization that exists within a call center because we Salvadoran are very disorganized. This organization can be seen in simple things like: to be always on time, to follow the same guidelines in​ every call an agent makes or receives. Another interesting fact that real
My experience creating a sticky note  used in a call center I have to admit that  it was very hard for me to create a sticky note, because  I am  not so good at using the computer. I type really really  slowly and I am not able to take a fast dictation ; however, at the end I made it.  Here is a picture of the sticky note and the chart I did in execel.